Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Holy crap, I'm published!

When I got the e-mail from Anne Regan at Dreamspinner Press that said she wanted to include my short story in an upcoming anthology - Uniform Appeal - I couldn't believe it! Then I got the contract and signed it, and I still couldn't believe it. Then I got a request to submit an author bio for their website, and all at once it hit me.

It's official. I'm published!

So I rushed right out and started this blog so that the LEGIONS of fans I'm sure will come pouring in after they read my 6,000ish words (ok, maybe not legions, but a girl's allowed to hope, right) can keep up with me!

And yeah, now I seem to be right back to the holy crap, I'm published stage. Apparently, I still can't believe it.